The Industrial property 31605 W 83rd Cir, De Soto, KS 66018 is located in Johnson County. The specific property type is Meat Processing. The total assessed value of this property is $351,913.
The gross building area is 15,360 square feet and the land area is 307,534 square feet for this Meat Processing built in 2003. The legal description - City/Muni/Twp:De Soto Valley Spring Homes Subdivision Replat Pt Lt 1 Bg 849.36' E & 44.90 S Nw Cr Se1/4 E 463.04' S 652.31' W 463' N 646.34' To Pob Map Ref:Map C27.
Other significant licenses
Rental Space Available(sqft)
Net Rentable Area(sqft)
Avg Annual Rent ($psf)
Rental Year
Tenant Type
Rent Type
Sale Year | Sale Price | Sale Date | Book No | Sale Type | Buyer | Seller |
Mortgage Year | Mortgage Amount | Mortgage Date | Book No | Issued Date | Mortgage Type | Expiration Date | Borrower | Lender Contact |
Assessment Year | Assessed Land Value | Assessed Improved Value | Assessed Total Value | Market Value | Owner Name | Owner Address | Legal Description | Neighborhood Code | Sub Division | Land Size (SF) | GBA (SF) |
Property Address | Net Rentable (SF) | Year Built | Avg Monthly Rent ($PSF) | Avg Monthly Rent ($Unit) | Units | Avg Annual Rent ($PSF) | Occupancy (%) | Total Space Available (SF) | Miles | Property Type | Property Sub Type | Tenancy | Land Size (SF) |
Property Address | Land Size (SF) | Sale Date | Sale Price($) | Sale Price PSF($) | Miles | Total Assessed Value ($) | Assessed Land Value ($) | Assessment Year | Property Sub Category |
Lender Name | Property Address | Loan Date | Mortgage Amount | Land Size (SF) | Year Built | GBA (SF) | Total Assessed Value | Land Assessed Value | Borrower |
Property Address | Owner Name | Phone | Industry Description |
Business Name | Permit Year | Effective Date | Permit Number | Project Name | Job Value | Fees | Square Feet | Type | Sub Type | Status | Description |
# | Particulars | Type | Units | Units Measure | Cost Per Unit | Extended Cost | Notes | |
Site Improvements | ||||||||
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
1.4 |
1.5 |
1.6 |
1.7 |
1.8 |
Structural Frame and Building Exterior Improvements | ||||||||
Building Interior | ||||||||
Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing | ||||||||
Appliances and Fixtures | ||||||||
Total Deferred Maintenance Cost | ||||||||
Add: Entrepreneurial Profit 20% | ||||||||
Total Cost of Deferred Maintenance including profit |